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World standards of caviar
Beluga Royal 000 or Beluga Imperial 000These loud and pretentious names are given exclusively to Beluga with a large grain (4-5 mm) and a very rare platinum color. Caviar often has a subtle nutty flavor. This is the most expensive Beluga caviar.Beluga prestigeThe color of caviar is no longer so light and is found in nature much more often. Regular or simply Original Beluga CaviarThe most common beluga caviar in nature is dark gray in color. It also differs in taste.Sturgeon CaviarThe most prestigious, very rare and, accordingly, the most expensive (sometimes more expensive than Beluga) is Sturgeon caviar. Very...
Why is caviar so expensive?
The cost of caviar is largely related to the ban on catching sturgeon breeds. Only aquaculture farms can legally supply black caviar to the market, in which this unique breed of fish is bred on purpose, without harm to the population in the wild.Previously, the water area of the Volga river basin contained huge reserves of sturgeon. Among them: Russian and Persian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, sterlet, beluga. But the total number of fish under the influence of various negative factors has significantly decreased. At the beginning of the 20 century, about 40,000 tons of valuable fish were caught, and already...
The most expensive caviar in the world
The most expensive caviar in the world is Almas, which is produced by the albino beluga in the Caspian Sea. This caviar has a golden amber hue, which makes it look like real gold. The delicacy is mined in very few places in the world, for example, in Austria. The albino beluga is a large sturgeon fish that spawns once every 100 years, so the cost of the product can reach $ 10 000 per pound. In Europe, no more than 22 lb of golden caviar are mined per year, and the line for purchase is formed for many years to come. The most...
Useful tips.
Sturgeon (Osetra).Sturgeon is one of the oldest freshwater fish on Earth.Experts believe that sturgeons were found in rivers when dinosaurs still roamed the planet. This is proved by the Cretaceous deposits in the excavations, which have preserved the fossilized remains of fish, although on the other hand it is incredible - because sturgeons do not have bones, their skeleton consists of cartilages. Sturgeon - the main representative of the family of sturgeon - differs elongated structure of the body, its head is also elongated, pointed to the mouth, jaws without teeth. At the mouth of the sturgeon there are four...